
Sorling attorneys are widely recognized for zoning services to owners, buyers, and sellers of real estate. Clients have included corporations, partnerships, joint ventures, developers, lending institutions, charitable organizations, and individuals.

Services provided by firm personnel cover every aspect of local government and county zoning issues. Services include pre-petition negotiations with zoning authority staff and nearby landowners, preparation of required petitions for change in zoning and obtaining reclassification variances, pre-hearing discussions with staff and members of municipal and county governing boards, presentation of zoning matters before regulatory boards, and the appeal of zoning matters into the courts. Zoning changes and variances have been successfully obtained for roads, residences, retail establishments, manufacturing facilities, utility and telecommunications towers, industrial storage sites, environmental facilities, and a wide variety of other commercial facilities.

Firm attorneys regularly appear before zoning authorities in downstate Illinois municipalities and counties. Attorneys specializing in zoning issues work in an interdisciplinary manner with firm attorneys specializing in real estate, tax, and other substantive areas which can impact strategic decisions concerning zoning.

With respect to some local governments, the firm also represents a number of municipalities as general counsel. As such, the firm has provided legal advice with respect to zoning matters, including drafting zoning ordinances, amendments, and variances, and advising on real estate development matters influencing the municipality.

The firm has the unique experience of having represented both developers and local governments in a wide variety of zoning matters.

Sorling Northrup attorneys who practice in this area include: